Good day and once again thank you for opening my blog wherever you are in the World.
I'm afraid its a little short this month, and I have only been able to add a couple of pins to my map, but as you may know I had an IT hiccup at the start of the month when I deleted around 500 images, about 4 years of work (nothing compared to 359 years of Corps history!)

These images not only appear on the blog posts like this one but also link into every other page including the Roll of Honour, Audio and Video page etc.
This will take some time to rectify so thank you in advance for your patience.
I hope you enjoy what's on offer, and I hope you have time to check out the website which receives about 5, 500 - 6,000 visitors a month.
Please keep yourselves and your families safe wherever you are,
Yours Aye,
Si Biggs