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Operation Corporate Roll of Honour

Writer: Si BiggsSi Biggs

Operation Corporate Roll of Honour

The 'Yomper', Sit eof teh former Royal Marines Museaum, Eastney Esplanade , Southsea, PO4 9PX

A total of 255 British servicemen and 3 Falkland Island civilians were killed during the Falklands War.

  • Royal Navy – 86 + 2 Hong Kong laundrymen

  • Royal Marines – 27 (2 officers, 14 NCOs and 11 marines)

  • Royal Fleet Auxiliary – 4 + 6 Hong Kong sailors

  • Merchant Navy – 6

  • British Army – 123 (7 officers, 40 NCOs and 76 privates)

  • Royal Air Force – 1 (1 officer)

  • Falkland Islands Civilians – 3

These stones come from the areas of 'Two Sisters' and 'Mount Harrier' in the Falkland Islands. They were selected and donated by the islanders, shipped to this garden as a gift b Jeppesen Heaton Ltd, and erected in memory of those Royal Marines who fell during the Falklands War in 1982.

Royal Marines

The following Royal Marines lost their lives in the recapture of the Falkland Islands;

Mne. Paul David CALLAN


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Paul Callan died on the 10th June 1982 of wounds received during an enemy bombing attack at Ajax Bay, Falkland Islands that occurred on the 27th May 1982.

L/Cpl. Colin DAVISON


Cdo. Log. Regt.

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Lance Corporal Colin Davison died during an enemy bombing attack whilst on operations at Ajax Bay, Falkland Islands.

Sgt. Roger ENEFER


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Sergeant Roger Enefer died during an enemy bombing attack whilst on operations at Ajax Bay, Falkland Islands.

Sgt. Andrew Peter EVANS


3 Cdo. Bde. Air Sqn / Helicopter Force

Royal Marines

Mentioned in Despatches

Killed in action or died of wounds

Sergeant Andrew Evans died when his helicopter was shot down during the Falkands War. He received a posthumous Mention in Despatches in recognition of his service during operations in the South Atlantic. Also killed were Lieut. Kenneth Francis and LCpl. Brett Giffin.

Cpl. Kenneth EVANS


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Kenneth Evans died during an enemy bombing attack whilst on operations at Ajax Bay, Falkland Islands.

Cpl. Peter Ronald FITTON


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Peter Fitton died during operations on the Falkland Islands. He was part of a returning patrol from 45 Commando when they were mistaken by British forces for the enemy. He was killed along with Sgt. Robert Leeming, Cpl. Andy Uren, and Mne. Keith Phillips. This was just before the main assault on Two Sisters, Falkland Islands.

Lt. Kenneth David FRANCIS


3 Cdo. Bde. Air Sqn / Helicopter Force

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Lieutenant Kenneth Francis, BA, RM, died when his helicopter was shot down in the Falklands. Also killed were LCpl. Brett Giffin and Mne. Andrew Evans.

LCpl. Brett Patrick GIFFIN


3 Cdo. Bde. Air Sqn / Helicopter Force

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Lance Corporal Brett Giffin was killed when his helicopter was shot down in the Falklands. Also killed were Lieut. Kenneth Francis and Mne. Andrew Evans.

Mne. Robert Don GRIFFIN


3 Cdo. Bde. RM (LCU F4 - 4th ASRM HMS Fearless)

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Robert Griffin was killed during operations in the Falklands. He was attached to Task Force Landing Craft Squadron RM.

Sgt. Ian Nicholas HUNT



Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Sergeant Ian Hunt, Special Boat Service, was killed during an exchange of fire with an SAS patrol near Teal, Falklands. They had accidentally strayed into an area patrolled by the SAS. He was the only member of the SBS who died in the conflict.

A/CSgt. Brian Ronald JOHNSTON


3 Cdo. Bde. RM (LCU F4 - 4th ASRM HMS Fearless)

Royal Marines

Queen's Gallantry Medal (QGM)

Killed in action or died of wounds

Acting Colour Sergeant Brian Johnston died during operations in the Falklands. He was awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal.

Sgt. Robert Arthur LEEMING


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Sergeant Robert Leeming died during operations on the Falkland Islands. He was part of a returning patrol from 45 Commando when they were mistaken by British forces for the enemy. He was killed along with Cpl. Peter Fitton, Cpl. Andy Uren, and Mne. Keith Phillips. This was just before the main assault on Two Sisters, Falkland Islands.

Cpl Michael David LOVE


846 Naval Air Sqn.

Royal Marines

Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)

Died on active service

Corporal Michael Love, RM, 846 Naval Air Squadron, was killed in a helicopter crash due to a bird strike in the Falklands.

Mne. Gordon Cameron MACPHERSON


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Gordon Macpherson died during operations against enemy forces dug in on the Falkland Islands mountain ridge known as Two Sisters.

Mne. Stephen Graham MCANDREWS


40 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Stephen McAndrews was killed during operations at San Carlos, Falkland islands, by the explosion of a bomb dropped from one of two enemy Sky Hawks that had just also bombed allied forces at Ajax Bay.

LCpl. Peter Burke MCKAY P039338Q

45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Lance Corporal Peter McKay died during an enemy bombing attack at Ajax Bay on the Falkland Islands.

Mne. Michael John NOWAK


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Michael Nowak died during during operations against enemy forces dug in on the Falkland Islands mountain ridge known as Two Sisters.

Lt. Richard James NUNN


3 Cdo. Bde. Air Sqn / Helicopter Force

Royal Marines

Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)

Killed in action or died of wounds

Lieutenant Richard Nunn died during Operation Corporate, Falkland Islands, 1982. He was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for gallant and distinguished service.



45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Keith Phillips died during operations on the Falkland Islands. He was part of a returning patrol from 45 Commando when they were mistaken by British forces for the enemy. He was killed along with Sgt. Robert Leeming, Cpl. Peter Fitton, and Cpl. Andy Uren. This was just before the main assault on Two Sisters, Falkland Islands.

Sgt. Ronald James ROTHERAM


3 Cdo. Bde. RM (LCU F4 - 4th ASRM HMS Fearless)

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Sergeant Ronald Rotheram died during operations in the Falklands.

Mne. Anthony John RUNDLE


3 Cdo. Bde. RM (LCU F4 - 4th ASRM HMS Fearless)

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine Anthony Rundle died during operations in the Falklands. He was attached to Task Force Landing Craft Squadron RM.

Cpl. Jeremy SMITH


42 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Jeremy Smith died during operations against enemy forces on Mount Harriet, Falkland Islands.

Cpl. Ian Frank SPENCER


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Ian Spencer died during operations against enemy forces dug in on the Falkland Islands mountain ridge known as Two Sisters.

Cpl. Andrew Bryan UREN


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Andrew Uren died during operations on the Falkland Islands. He was part of a returning patrol from 45 Commando when they were mistaken by British forces for the enemy. He was killed along with Sgt. Robert Leeming, Cpl. Peter Fitton, and Mne. Keith Phillips. This was just before the main assault on Two Sisters, Falkland Islands.

Cpl. Laurence George WATTS


42 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Corporal Laurence Watts, K Company, died during operations against enemy forces on Mount Harriet, East Falkland Islands.

Mne. David WILSON


45 Cdo. RM

Royal Marines

Killed in action or died of wounds

Marine David Wilson died during an enemy bombing attack whilst on operations at Ajax Bay, Falkland Islands.

2 Royal Naval personnel were also killed as part of the crew of LCU F4;

Mechanical Engineering Artificer (Propulsion) A S James,

Leading Marine Engineer (Mechanical) D Miller,

After cessation of hostilities;

Cpl. James Gardner BROWNING


3 Cdo. Bde. RM

Royal Marines

Died in service

Corporal James Browning, HQ 3 Commando Bde. RM, was reported missing presumed drowned, after the cessation of hostilities on the Falklands, when caught in a sudden squall whilst in a dinghy off Port Stanley. He had previously served in 45 Commando workshops.

More details on each name can be found here Commando Veterans Archive


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