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Loss of Old Contemptble - Arthur Townroe RMLI - 10 Nov 1918

Writer: Si BiggsSi Biggs





It is with deep regret and sympathy we have to record the death of Driver A. Townroe, R.M.L.I., Transport Section, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Townroe, Lyndhurst, which occurred in France from wounds received on November 10th. 

He had seen much service, having joined the Colours September 21st, 1914, and was in the first landing in the Dardanelles and Egypt, Salonika, and in France 18 months.

He was one of three brothers serving. George is in hospital at Swansea recovering from a severe wound in the head, and Willie is in France, and was home on leave quiet recently. 

The deceased was married on October 2nd, and much sympathy is felt for his wife in the sad loss she has sustained. Although nothing official is to hand the following letters have been received:-

Thursday, November 14th.

Mrs. A. Townroe, 

Dear Madam,

I’am sorry to relate the last hours of your husband. 

When, we picked him up we found there wasn't much chance of life left in him, also the poor lad knew it himself. 

He told me he had only been married about six weeks, and if anything happened to him to look after his personal effects. 

I promised. I am pleased to say, he was not in much pain from the time he was hit, which would be about 12 o'clock (midday) Sunday, and he was conscious till 9 p.m. when I noticed a great change in him. He asked for a drink, and told me to write you. 

Then he asked to be moved, but never spoke again. We buried him with nine more men, and his officer, in a place called Asquillies, about seven or eight kilometres, south of Mons.

Please accept my deepest sympathy, and also of my mates, in this your trouble.

S/4016, Pte. F. Murphy, 150th R.N. Field Ambulance, B.E.F., France.

Dear Mrs. Townroe,

That I am writing this letter to you is one of the saddest experiences of my life. I am very sorry, indeed, to have to write and tell you that Arthur Townroe died after being wounded on the 10th November. 

It is useless me trying to write and tell you how we all sympathise with you, but I have lost so many friends and so many of my men, whom I thought the world of during these four years of war, that I can realise your feeling when you hear this sad news.

Arthur was without doubt the best man we had in the transport, and it grieves me more than I can tell to know that I have lost him. I always looked upon him as a friend as far as it is possible between us in the army. It is when we have lost our best that we realise fully that God is working out his great plan, where we all have

our work to do before we must in his glorious Kingdom appear. 

Arthur has done his share in the great plan, and we must do ours, and although the blow to us left behind is great, we must look to God and

with His help, live our lives so that we may join those who have gone before us into the everlasting Kingdom, where pain and sorrow are gone for ever. Please write and let we know if I can be of any service to you, and except my very sincere and deep sympathy, 

L. R. Lewis, Lieut.,R.M.

Service hsitory:

1st Royal Marine Bn. Royal Naval Division (Transport Section) Arthur embarked with the RM Brigade (Portsmouth/2nd Bn Royal Marines) on 17 November 1914.

He served in Egypt and also in Gallipoli (MEF Dardanelles) from 28 April1915 to 8 January 1916.

He served in the MEF (Mesopotemia Expeditionary Force) from 9 January 1916 to 7 May 1916. The BEF in France from 12 April 1916.

Arthur had home leave in October 1918 then on his return to France was wounded on 10 November, the day before the Armistice was signed.

He died the same day at 150th RN Field Ambulance.

His family was told in a letter that Arthur had been buried 'in a place called Asquillies, about seven or eight kilometres south of Mons.'

The CWGC records his burial in Cement House Cemetery (ref. X.V.III).

CWGC headstone personal inscription: 'Though death divides fond memories cling'

Mansfield Reporter, ‘Marriages’, 4 October 1918: ‘On the 2nd, inst., at St Peter’s Church, Mansfield, by the Rev. RHS Currey, Arthur Townroe to Ellen Holmes, both of Mansfield.’ (

Mansfield Reporter, ‘Deaths’, 29 November 1918: ‘Townroe. In loving memory of Driver A Townroe, RMLI, Transport section, died of wounds received in France November 10th, 1918, aged 26 years, after four years’ service. It is lonely here without you, And sad the weary way; Nor is the world the same to me, Since you were called away. Cherished memories; shattered hopes. From his loving wife Nellie.’ (

Mansfield Reporter, ‘Deaths’, 29 November 1918: 'Townroe. In loving memory of Driver A Townroe, beloved son of Mr and Mrs H Townroe, Lyundhurst, who died in France from wounds received November 10th, aged 26 years. Bitter the cup, the blow severe, To part with one we loved so dear; But God will link the broken chain, Closer when we meet again. From his sorrowing Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters [prob. inc. sisters-in-law].’ (

References/ Further Reading

Nottinghamshire Roll of Honour


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