6th July 1944
Commitment of GRANDE FERME DU BUISSON was discontinued.
7th July 1944
Place: Hauger
1130 - Commando relieved 4 Commando in the HAUGER positions by 1130 hrs. Commitments taken over included a counter mortar O.P. and standing patrol forward of the F.D.Ls.
8th to 11th July 1944
Place: Hauger
No patrols were sent out. Sniping activity took place forward of the standing patrol.
9th to 10th July 1944
Place: Hauger
Heavy weapons troop took part in a brigade harassing task, M.M.Gs and Mortars. During 24 hrs. the mortars fired over 350 bombs.
9th to 31st July 1944
Place: Hauger
Commando continue to hold their HAUGER positions. Normal patrols were carried out, chiefly by night. It became the chief task of the commando to locate enemy F.D.Ls in its front with the ultimate object of gaining a prisoner for identification.
By July 30 most machine gun positions in the enemy F.D.Ls had been located by night patrols at the cost of 2 casualties. No prisoner grabbing raid has yet been attempted.
16th July 1944
Place: Hauger
Investiture was held by General Montgomery in 6th Airborne Div. area at which the following officers and O.Rs. were awarded the following decorations.
Captain J.C.P. Cregan, RAMC Military Cross.
OR/X 2244 Sgt. R.J. Wither
7367051 L/Cpl. John Thwaytes, RAMC Military Medal.
At the investiture it was also announced that Lieut. Colonel T.M. Gray, R.M. (casualty) had been awarded the Military Cross.

August 1944
Commanding Officer : Lt.Col. E.C.E. Palmer, R.M.
1st to 7th August 1944
Place: Hauger
Continue in defensive position at HAUGER.
7th August 1944
Place: Hauger
Move to TROARN area taking up position in centre of Brigade front in apex of British line directed at TROARN. Move completed by 1400 hrs. Sustained shelling and mortaring was kept up by the enemy for three days following the establishment of the Brigade at TROARN. Brunt of casualties from X. Troop, Sgt. Murray and Lieut. P.D. Robinson, R.M. killed a.m. on 7th as X. Troop was getting into position.
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