Unit/ Formation: Royal Marines
Location: Great Britain
Period/ Conflict: 1700's
Year: 1775
Date/s: 3rd April 1775
In April 1755, when Britain was preparing for war with France. an Order in Council approved the recruitment of a total of 5,000 regulars, formed into three Grand Divisions were established to recruit, train and quarter marines while they awaited drafts to sea.

Based at Portsmouth, Chatham and Plymouth, the Marines totalled 50 companies and were under the control of the Board of the Admiralty.
Prior to that Marines had been under the control of the Admiralty whilst at sea and the Army whilst on shore.
Number One Division. Chatham
Number Two Division. Portsmouth
Number Three Division. Plymouth
Number Four Division. Woolwich. (Established 1805, disbanded 1869)
Related Royal Marines 'Dits'
The Corps of Marines titled the Royal Marines by King George III [https://www.royalmarineshistory.com/post/the-corps-of-marines-titled-the-royal-marines-by-king-george-iii]