Thank you for spending the year with me, and those that have just joined, I hope you have enjoyed some of this years 'Dits'.
We have seen this month the sad passing of WW2 Veteran Dennis Donovan, and an Oppo of mine Tim Crossin.
Tim 'The Cold Dip Commando' who had battling cancer five times in the last eight years intended to visit various spots around the UK to raise money for his chosen charities.
Starting New Years day and taking place over 31 days of January, the 'Dips' are still going ahead and more information can be found here:
For those that have noticed a reduction in output over the past few months this is mainly because I have been a little preoccupied writing a screen play about 45 Commando from its formation until the end of WW2 in Europe, a British Band of Brothers at last I hear you cry!
I hope I can attract some interest from the TV and Film Industry, and you will get to see it one day!
So if you need some December 'Dits' please go to the Geo Map and select December, alternately I have linked a few below for you;
I receive lots of requests from family members looking to find out where their relative served or died, and I help where I can, I always encourage them to request the records first and I will try to work with them from there.
I am also expanding my Royal Marines Roll of Honour database to include those that have died before 1914 where possible and those lost in service, in particular post war.
Please check out the data base here;
Thanks again for checking in, please do share with your Oppo's and family and on social media as widely as possible.
For those that do not receive the monthly news letter or wish to check the archive please sign up here.
I wish you all and your families a happy and prosperous New Year.
Si Biggs