Unit/ Formation: RM Band Service
Location: Cyprus
Period/ Conflict:
Year: 2007
Date/s: 1 April 2007
Marking a significant milestone for the Royal Marines Band Service as they took over the duties as the Cyprus Reinforcement Unit for two months.

Ninety ranks deployed.
This was the first time in the history of the Royal Marines Band Service that Musicians and Buglers had been deployed in company strength as an independent military unit to perform their secondary role.
Duties included gaurding RAF Troodos which is perched on top of the island’s highest mountain, RAF Troodos is one of the highest military bases in the world.
Troödos Station is the oldest remaining British military base in Cyprus, dating from 1878. Initially it was used as a cool summer field hospital for troops from the Egyptian Campaign. British Army and Government officials also used it as a summer retreat.
The Station is a remote Signals Station operated by personnel from Golf Section, Joint Service Signal Unit (Cyprus). The station parents the Mount Olympus radar site, operated by a small contingent of military personnel.
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