Due to a technical c#ck up I am unable to access my usual mail service and so if you are receiving this blog you will see last months message above! My apologies.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year, the Website has had nearly 54,000 visits nearly 44,000 of those where first time visitors.

Those visiting the site and having an interest in the history of the Royal Marines have come from every corner of the globe.

It is incredible to think that the Royal Marines has had a connection throughout its history with so much of the world and this reflects in the fact that our history shows up in so many searches across the globe and fosters so much interest.

Once again thank you for your continued support, please do share this or any of my posts with your friends and family and on any social media platform.
I wish you all a Happy and Successful New Year.
Yours Aye
Si Biggs
31st December 2022
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