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47 Commando - Castle Douglas Preparing for Commando Training

Updated: 6 days ago

Unit/ Formation: 47 Cdo RM

Location: Great Britian

Period/ Conflict: World War II

Year: 1943

Date/s: 28 September 1943

47 (RM) Commando was formed at the DEPOT BARRACKS DORCHESTER on the first day of August 1943. On the previous day these barracks had been occupied by the 10th Battalion Royal Marines, and it was this unit which was to provide the nucleus of the new unit.

In September 1943 they moved to Billets in Scotland where they trained locally until moving to Achnacarry in December for Commando Training.

Notes on Billets

1. Billets usually will be good. Men not satisfied can change after notice given.

2. Landladies in new area all been given following infm:–

(a) Weekly rate 25/- to 30/- per week. 25/- not much; she must ask for more if necessary.

(b) Weekly ration card with double meat ration will be brought by all ranks. Cards will be promptly delivered.

(c) Laundry is man’s own responsibility. In some cases landladies will do laundry.

(d) Billets will be paid for in adv on Sats or Mons and a receipt given to be handed in to Tp office by men.

(e) Any complaints should be reported to an officer at once. Most landladies reckon to have none.

3. Prejudice in the area against excessive drinking; in some cases men were required to be teetotal; in all cases drunkenness is regarded as a crime.

4. Behaviour in houses is very important. First impressions are all important. Men should treat all the women folk with politeness and courtesy; offer to help with washing up, peeling potatoes, scrubbing out on Fridays, digging in the garden etc. etc. Furniture and furnishings are in many cases excellent and great care must be taken by men. Remember always that these are peoples homes and NOT hotels or boarding houses or hostels or worse.

5. Get in to meals on time if possible or if not warn out. As much notice as possible for haversack rations.

6. Where ranks sleep in one house and feed in another each landlady will be paid on a weekly basis. NO paying only for meals that cannot be scrounged from friends in the town.

7. There will be a lot of cases where ranks will be sleeping two in a double bed. Should be no difficulty but men should be infm now.

8. Tp Cdrs to see billets are allocated to best advantage. In one case two erstwhile ‘birds’ sent to local Manse.

9. 75% of landladies consider 2300 hrs late enough for men to come home; this must be mutually arranged.

10. All complaints, unfounded and otherwise, will be listed by Troops and reported from time to time to CO. All complaints resulting in a charge will be remanded automatically for CO’s disposal. Get an officer to the landlady to appease her wrath as quickly as possible; but no need to make fetish of appeasement.

11. A troop officer will visit all billets after 14 days and again after one month.

12. All changes of billets will be reported to Troop offices by individuals and to Commando HQ by Troops.

Notes on Training at Commando Depot, Achnacarry

Length of Course:–

Course is being reduced to 18 working days. No tactics will be included in the syllabus. To enable the course to be shortened, Commandos will carry out the following endurance tests on arrival;

5 miles in 1 hr

7 miles in 1 hr

10 miles in 1 hr 40 min

15 miles in 2 hrs 50 min


This quality, above all others, is required.


Men must be fully kitted up. Two good prs of boots.

ACHNACARRY is not the place to break boots in.

Little outstanding laundry.

Adequate pairs of serviceable socks.

Physical Fitness:–

The course starts very abruptly. For example, the following were included in first day’s programme;

Cliff climbing.

4 mile run and walk in 40 mins.

Log PT (Physical Training).

Paddling folding boats.

Assault course.

All movement is done at the double.

Speed march and assault course on alternate days.


It rains every day and all day. Ground is wet and boggy.

All ranks must be prepared to get wet through and covered with mud from head to foot daily.


Drill parade; FSMO less A/G Equipment, Steel Helmet and haversack. Cap comforters to be worn.

Range, speed marching, Schemes, Fieldcraft and Unarmed combat; FSMO less respirator AG.

PT; Denim trousers, jerseys, boots. PT clothing underneath.

Climbing; Denims, cap comforters, service boots.


1. Officers dressed like the men, and carry the same loads and equipment as ORs.

2. Denims always unless otherwise ordered.

3. Capes A/G on all outdoor parades, except drill and PT. (carried in haversack).

4. Arrangements being made for issue of two suits of denims.

Men of 47 RM Commando at Achnacarry

Care of Arms:–

Cleanliness of weapons stressed.

Weapon Training:–

Range practices all weapons.

Firing from hip: rifle, bren, TSMG —practice on 30 yard range.


Holding, Aiming & Firing. Firing from low cover. Aiming off the target. Other posns. Firing at moving targets.

Application of fire:–

Recognition of targets. Searching ground and locating service targets. Unit of measure. Judging Distance. Brief anticipatory, fire orders for individuals.


Holding, Aiming, Firing. Mechanism. Stripping. IA. Stoppages. Use of cover. Handling—tripod.

Fixed lines. Section Handling (Movement). Section Handling (Defence)


No 36. Dischargers. No 68. No 69 & 77. No 75 & 1¼ lb incendiary.

Anti Tank Rifle:–

Aiming and Firing. TOET.

2-inch mortar:–

Handling, Smoke. TOET.


Holding and firing, stripping.


Snipers Rifle.


Fieldcraft (MT Pamphlet No. 33 and Handbook of Fieldcraft and Battle Drill).


Individual and Section Stalks. Patrols. Wood clearing. Village clearing.


Individual Stalk. Patrols. ‘Me and My Pal’ Assault Course.

Bivouacking and Cooking in the Field:–

Construction of camp fires. Methods of dealing with Mess tin ration.

Street and Village Fighting:–

Handbook of Fieldcraft and Battle Drill. Secs 37, 38, 49 & 57.

Assault Courses:–

No. 1 Course (Obstacle Course); Physical fitness & fieldcraft.

No. 2 Course (Bullet & Bayonet); Hip firing and assaults with bayonet over obstacles.

No. 3 Course; Crossing a river by toggle bridge and single rope (‘The Death Ride’). How to make a toggle bridge.

Cliff Climbing.

Field Firing: Officers will read SAT Vol. 1 para. 1, p. 39.

Map Reading: Included in syllabus.

Related Royal Marines 'Dits'

References/ Further Reading:

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