Unit/ Formation: 41 Cdo RM Location: Westkapelle Period/ Conflict: World War II Year: 1944 Date/s: 1 November 1944 The three RM Commandos of No 4 SS Brigade, 41, 47 and 48 CDO RM, together with No 4 (Belgian) and No 5 (Norwegian) troops of No 10 (IA) Commando, commanded by Peter Laycock, landed at Westkapelle on the western side of the island.

Nos. 41 and No. 10 (IA) Commandos were charged with the capture of the town of Westkapelle and the neutralization of the W15 battery at the shoreline in front of the town.
Once accomplished, both groups were to continue northeastward along the sand dunes to assault the W17 coastal batteries, then continue on to the coastal town of Domburg.
The first wave of 41 Commando managed to land on the beach, occupying the crest of the dike. W15 battery, a line of casements lining the top of the dike, was half a mile north of the present day memorial, (British engineers destroyed the bunkers after the battle).
The guns initially engaged the landing craft of the Support Squadron, as they drew fire from the landing craft. 41 Commando advanced along the foot of the dike once the village had been cleared, capturing the battery.

The majority of the landing craft came ashore on White Beach. After sailing through the gap the rest of 41 Commando, followed by 10 Commando, landed on the northern flank of the dike.
They advanced into the village heading for the lighthouse, while tanks climbed onto the dike to give supporting fire.

48 Commando beached on the southern flank of the gap, in front of the Radar Station.
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References/ further reading:
References/ further reading:
Erenow: Touring Walcheren [https://erenow.org/ww/walcheren-operation-infatuate-belgium-holland/12.php}