Happy Birthday #Royal Marines Projecting Global Power Since 1664
Captain of Marines Charles William Adair - Killed at the Battle of Trafalgar - 21st October 1805
King George V inspects Royal Marine cadets and officers at Deal 1917
Flight Lieutenant Charles Herbert Collet DSO - RM Airmen
Hell Ship Toyofuku Maru/ Hofuku Maru
Annexation of Rockall
Murder of Lord Mountbatten, Colonel Commandant of the Royal Marines
Mounted Marines and the Invasion of Java
RM Fighter Ace - Battle of Britain Pilot - Ronald Cuthbert Hay
Sinking of the Submarine Iride and Human Torpedoes - Captain Oliver Patch RM
Remembering Lieutenant Colonel Mark “Foggy” Phillips MBE
Amphibious Lessons Learned - Operation Husky 10 July 1943
40 Cdo RM Dieppe 1942 - Major-General 'Titch' Houghton (1912 - 2011)
Major Pitcairn and the Battle of Bunker Hill 1775 "Now, for the glory of the Marines!"
47 Cdo RM - Battle of Port-en-Bessin 7-8 June 1944
The Sacrifice Army - Royal Marines in the Rearguard Action At Calais
Rescue of the Russian Royal Family - April 1919 #RoyalMarines
Royal Marines Search for Survivors of the Lakonia Disaster 1963
Corporal John Prettyjohn the First Royal Marine Victoria Cross - 2nd November 1854 – Battle of Inke
The Royal Marines in World War One - RM a Geo History